This show promises to take children and parents on a fantastic, adventurous journey, carried by a mysterious force coming from exotic lands! Created for boys and girls between two and five years old, this sensorial experience without words will enchant audiences who get to sit very close to the action. The set looks like a partially sand-covered ship and families and actors will be sharing the space.
The story is about naughty Loo, a hot wind from plains of India and Pakistan, wherever she goes she turns land to dessert, and everyone is bewildered!
Loo is a poetic and visual story originally conceived by the Spanish group Ponten Pie. Winner of the FETEN prize 2017 for “Best Show For Early Ages”, Loo has been touring to many countries in Europe such as invited to the Edinburg International Children’s Festival. Ponten Pie has marveled with their innovative, theatrical adventures since 2009, and this time will let our little ones explore the mysteries under the sands of a tiny but amazing world!
When: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, December 28, 29 and 30, 2018
Where: Small Auditorium, Macao Cultural Centre, Avenida Xian Xing Hai s/n, NAPE, Macau
How much: MOP $180
For more information and ticket purchasing, go to Macau Ticket website