Photo credit: Now’z Dance Studio
If your kid moves to any song, the infamous Baby Shark tune, or even television commercials, maybe it is time to search for a suitable dance studio and with teachers to help develop your tot’s talent. Not just a fun activity, dance has a long list of benefits, both physical and mental. Not to mention, dancing together often leads to lifelong friendships. From ballet to hip hop, Macau dance studios have a lot of classes for the kids. Keep reading to find the one for your young Beyonces and Baryshnikovs.
Now’z Dance Studio
(See featured image above)
Now’z was founded over 10 years ago by two experienced dancers, Zero and Ocean. Zero is a pro in hip-hop, while Ocean will make your jaw drop with his locking skills. Training both adults and kids on how to improve their moves, Now’z has participated in dozens of events and competitions over the years. Both founders teach kids and if you want your child to be a master of footwork, sign them up for Zero’s hip hop sessions. There are other teachers as well, each with their unique style and method.
For little dancers, they have plenty of classes throughout the week–hip hop, girl’s style, kpop, and dance sessions for different age groups. As TDSM does, they also have their young dance crews that take part in dance events and showcases. At some of their courses, kids get to shoot a dance video with the choreography that they learned.
If you have any further questions, hit them up on Facebook page as they are rather quick and helpful in their replies. You can see how the classes are on their Instagram page @nowz_kiddance.
Now’z Dance Studio Carlos d’Assumpcao 258, Edif. Kin Heng Long Plaza 17 Andar Q, Macau,,

Photo credit: Zeal Dance Studio
Open since 2010, Zeal is another street style studio in the city founded by local dancers and choreographers. One of them is Don, a master of jazz-funk, who often participates in Macau cultural events and dances at music concerts.
Although the adult classes are mainly aimed at dancers of intermediate or advanced level, for kids, the level doesn’t matter. Zeal tutors teach two types of dance classes for two age groups–four to six years old and six to eight years old. To make sure the participants get all the knowledge they need, the teachers focus on four pillars–music rhythm sense, body development, basic technique, and choreography. Once youngsters grow and progress, they can always stay with the studio and pick a dancing style that appeals to them.
Zeal Edificio Industrial Nam Fong Block, 10, Flat DI, Av. de Venceslau de Morais, EM Macau,,,

Photo credit: TDSM Kid Dance Facebook page
TDSM Kid Dance
A branch of the TDSM Dance Studio, TDSM Kid Dance, is a place that turns your little ones into hip-hop superstars. They are focused on street dance styles here, teaching kids of different age groups, even toddlers. There is jazz and hip hop for five to eight-year-olds and eight to 12-year-olds, as well as basic dance steps for toddlers and children of three to four years old.
Students train in spacious rooms under the guidance and supervision of experienced teachers. The most talented and determined ones can even cast for their dance crews and shoot impressive dance videos. A couple of times per year, TDSM gets all their students together for a showcase concert where friends and family can witness a professionally staged performance in full costumes and make-up.
To watch TDSM dance videos and learn more about the classes and schedule, follow them on their Facebook page and Instagram @tdsm_kid_dance.
TDSM Dance Studio No 258, 14th floor, Room I & J, Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpção, Kin Heng Long Square, Macau,

Photo credit: Arabesque Dance Arts Education Centre
Arabesque Dance Arts Education Centre
If you believe your youngster won’t mind learning some poise, discipline, and new French words along the way, what about enrolling them at a ballet school. The earlier a child starts ballet, the more chances they have to become accomplished dancers. Even if that’s not the goal, ballet has many benefits such as knowledge in classical music and choreography, better body coordination, flexibility, and posture.
One of Macau’s best studios, Arabesque Dance Arts Education Centre, offers classical ballet lessons for kids of different ages, from as young as three years old. All teachers are qualified members of RAD (The Royal Academy of Dance), so parents don’t need to worry about this school’s quality. Every year students are encouraged to take the RAD examination as well and prove their skills.
To start the ballet journey, you need to sign up for your child in advance, walk-in basis is not applicable. Adults who have little or no prior experience in ballet are welcome at the center as well.
Arabesque Dance Arts Education Centre Edificio Industrial Si Toi, 4 Andar A, 43 Rua do Padre Antonio Roliz, Macau,

Photo credit: The Hong Peng Wa Ballet School
The Hong Peng Wa Ballet School
The oldest ballet school in Macau, the Hong Peng Wa Ballet School was established in 1982. Both of its founders, Hong Peng Wa and Cheong Son Seng, used to be the National Ballet of China’s dance masters. When they moved from Mainland China to Macau in the 80s, there was no place to learn ballet in the city. Driven by the idea, they opened a school that teaches students according to the highest international standards, with the syllabus from the Royal Academy of Dance and the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. All the teachers here, including the two founders, offer extensive experience, rich ballet background, and excellent qualifications. To showcase the students’ progress, the school organizes open days and annual performances.
There are classes for different age groups: kids from three and half years old to 12 years old, teenagers from 13 to 18, and adults. Every year, there is a Grade Examination of the Royal Academy of Dance at the school as well.
The Hong Peng Wa Ballet School 406 Rua Cidade de Santarém, Macau, +853 2875 0722,項秉華芭蕾舞學校-Escola-de-Ballet-Hong-Peng-Wa

Photo credit: Aerial Arts Macau
Aerial Arts Macau
Aerial disciplines are not easy to master but they’re so graceful and mesmerizing to watch. At Aerial Arts Macau, they teach aerial hoops, aerial silks, and classical ballet for kids. Something between acrobatics and choreography, aerial dance will help your kid become more physically fit and confident, build up upper body strength, as well as increase flexibility.
All the students learn how to do tricks up in the air, gradually progressing from easy to more complicated ones under the careful supervision of the trainers. Highly qualified teachers at the studio all received IDTA (International Dance Teachers Association) certification and first aid training. So you can be sure your precious ones will be in the right hands.
Aerial Arts Macau No 14-14a, Rua Central, Macau, +853 2832 3460,,