This Christmas, two young twins will be sharing with us their tiny, exciting world, with Little Devil, a lively and funny show, originally created by the Shanghainese children’s theatre Little Player, illustrating the struggles many parents face with their kids at bedtime.
On an ordinary night like many others, a restless young girl begins rolling in bed while hugging a pillow. Before we know it, she is pulling her brother to join in the fun. Recreating an everyday family evening at home, this cheerful, sensory piece without words introduces the audience to a very naughty girl and her (initially) very quiet brother. Playing happily around, the cute siblings will illuminate the white setting with a string of colorful, creative games. Moving to the sound of live music, they transform simple pillows into a myriad of objects and situations, from cars to imagined bridges, even using them to create a super fun dragon boat race!
Inviting kids aged two and above to enjoy the thrills of the stage in delightful productions like this one, the Little Player theatre has produced more than 50 exciting works and over 500 cute performances staged all over China. Here too, their appealing energy will provide endearing moments of pure entertainment for kids and their families!
When: 11:00am, 2:45pm and 5:00pm, December 24, 25 and 26, 2021
Where: Small Auditorium, Macao Cultural Centre, Avenida Xian Xing Hai s/n, NAPE, Macau
How much: MOP $180 per person
For more information, check the event’s official page