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Macau is a region with an incredibly low crime rate, where it’s safe to walk around during the night and also day. There are two main hospitals with several smaller hospitals dotted around Macau, clinics and private practices if medical attention is needed. Sometimes, the unexpected may happen and it’s important to have all emergency contact numbers on hand. We’ve put together this handy list in case of any emergencies which includes the police, hospitals, fire stations, and more.
Safety and Related Emergencies
The police are the most appropriate entity to call when there are any safety issues or you find yourself in a missing items’ situation, among others. The Public Security Police Force (治安警察局) also known as Corpo de Policia de Segurança Pública de Macau (CPSP) deals with all sorts of crimes and issues, so it might be best to call them first. If you have specific inquiries regarding a lost item, you are in luck because there is a number to call for these matters.
Had a car accident or witnessed one? No worries, there is also a line you can contact to report this and request help if needed. Is your problem related to entering the territory? Perhaps you want to stay for a few more days, but aren’t sure of how the law works around here? There is a number you can call to request such information and others related to the emigration department. If you are a local resident and are traveling abroad but need a Macau emergency contact, there’s a different number to talk to someone about issues with your passport and others.
In 2017, the government created a new department within the CPSP, designed to specifically help tourists in the region. Usually speaking Chinese and English, these agents aid in everything related to tourism–people who lost their way around the city, directions to certain areas, lost items, among others. They also police the most touristic areas and are available for people to approach and ask for information.
Judiciary Police (PJ) is also great to assist you in case of fraud, issues related to ATM cards, possibly drug crimes, and others. Call or head to their office to solve such situations. At PJ, they speak Chinese, Portuguese, and English. If you want to report inappropriate behavior or something you believe is a crime, they are available 24 hours. When a fire is the main issue, don’t hesitate to call the Fire Services Bureau.
CPSP Headquarters Praceta de 1 de Outubro, Macau, 999, 110 or 112 (Direct emergency numbers connecting to the operation center), +853 2857 3333 (General number, including for residents travelling abroad), +853 8597 0542 (Lost and found items), +853 2837 4214 (CPSP Road traffic), +853 2872 5488 (Emigration department)
CPSP Lost and Found Items Department 6 Travessa do Gamboa, Macau, +853 8597 0542
Judiciary Police Headquarters 823 Avenida da Amizade, Macau, (general phone number) +853 2855 7777, (24-hour report line) 993, www.pj.gov.mo
Tourist Police (24-hours) Praia Grande Station 1–1A G/F, Rua da S. Domingos, Macau, +853 2840 3492, +853 2841 5535
Fire Services Bureau Avenida Doutor Stanley Ho, Macau, +853 2857 2222, www.fsm.gov.mo/cb
Medical Aid
As mentioned before, if you have an emergency and no time to get yourself to a hospital, the best thing to do is call one of the above CPSP emergency contacts. However, there are places you can call and go to when you’re not feeling well either. These are Conde S. Januário Hospital and Kiang Wu Hospital; both have branches in the peninsula and Taipa.
If you are in Seac Pai Van area and feeling unwell, head over to the health center they have installed there. If your location is closer to Coloane Village, then Coloane Health Centre is your best option. Situated in the main square of the village, it’s easy to access and open from Monday to Friday, 8:30am–6:00pm.
Conde S. Januário Hospital (Macau) Estrada do Visconde de São Januário, Macau, +853 2831 3731 (24-hour service)
Conde S. Januário Emergency Unit (Taipa) Universidade de Ciência e Tecnologia de Macau, Bloco H (junto do Hospital Universitário), Avenida Wai Long, Taipa
Kiang Wu Hospital (Macau Unit) 85-87 Rua de Coelho do Amaral, Macau, +853 2837 1333
Kiang Wu (Taipa Unit) 78 Rua do Pai Kok, Taipa, +853 8295 4001
Posto de Saúde Provisório de Seac Pai Van (Coloane) Avenida da Harmonia, Edifício Lok Kuan, Bloco 5, r/c, Coloane, Macau, +853 2850 2001
Coloane Health Centre Largo Presidente António Ramalho Eanes, Coloane, +853 288 82176

TurboJET Macau. Photo credit: KLOOK
Other Important Contacts – Tourism Office and Ferries
If your inquiry is not related to the police or medical issues, there are also important Macau emergency numbers of other services you might need.
For information on monuments, tourist sites, public transport information, and even room rates, refer to the Macao Government Tourism office. Check out their website and see the walking route maps of different areas of Macau as well!
Macao Government Tourism Office Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, n.os 335-341, Edifício Hotline, 12.º andar, Macau, +853 2833 3000 (Tourism Hotline), www.macaotourism.gov.mo
Other contacts that might come in handy include TurboJET Macau and Cotai Water Jet in case you want to change your ferry ticket, know the address of the terminal, schedules and other information.
TurboJET Macau +853 2855 5025 (available Monday–Friday, 9:00am–6:00pm), www.turbojet.com.hk
Cotai Water Jet +853 2885 0595, www.cotaiwaterjet.com
HZMB – Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Bridge
If you want to take the bus crossing the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge and have questions, just check their website for further readings such as pricing, schedules, essential documents, and more info. As for the phone contacts, they’ll all connect you to Hong Kong numbers. There’s also a complaints line you can call if you crossed the bridge and something went wrong. Here are some contacts to ease the contact with the HZMB’s authorities and related departments.
General HZMB website (featuring prices, schedules, route, and more) – www.hzmb.gov.hk
Department of Health – www.dh.gov.hk
Complaints line +852 2889 9999
Local buses
For bus-related information, it’s advisable to check out the Transport Bureau of the Macao SAR. Check their website for information such as public transport, parking and more. We highly recommend that you download their app called DSAT (Direcção dos Serviços para os Assuntos de Tráfego), where you can search for the best route for you, how far is your bus from your stop and many other things. The app is available on website.
Transport Bureau of the Macao SAR www.dsat.gov.mo